

by Shaun Lawton  

   Of course the term "Xenohuman" exists as a redundancy, considering the fact that human beings are very strange creatures, indeed. Nevermind the popular appropriation of the prefix in its application as a descriptor for the vicious alien predators from the movie franchise long ago begun by Ridley Scott, Dan O'Bannon and H.R. Giger in their psychological science fiction movie ALIEN.  

    I've opted to use the prefix for my own purposes, which often involve an amalgamation of concepts that may incorporate the beloved movie franchise in the back of my mind, but which functions far more as a noble adjective specifying the unique attributes and conditions which brought about our own existence in the first place. 

    I consider my Xenohuman project of interrelated writings as more of a reminder that not only are we as a species identified primarily as being fundamentally "alien" to whatever other life forms might inhabit (the lost and yet to be formed exoplanets of) our universe, but more to the point, it remains a sort of tongue-in-cheek "in-joke" (with its implied quotation marks around it a burning signifier) suggesting not to forget that, for all we know, the totality of sentient beings that ever existed and shall ever manifest may remain in the same evolving genetic family. 


        Thus spake Anura, the cosmic frog, which serves as good as a tortoise or any other one of the diverse life forms dwelling in this, our one and only planetary home in our mysterious solar system operating within the impenetrable secrecy of our universe, to convey the mystical totality of this inscrutable dominion amid the cosmos.