
The Capacity of the Conceptual

                                                                        By Original: ESO/M. Kornmesser  

    I've come to realize that it takes a much stronger and more developed imagination to conceptualize the nature of our actual reality than it does to conjure up excursions into the fantastical.  Case in point:

    When astronomers spotted the anomalous elongated comet Oumuamua in the Fall of 2017, with its accompanying peculiarities (such as the direction and rate of its travel) the sort of limited, kneejerk imagination that fuels speculations it might be an emissary of an alien race invariably popped up across the internet the world over, and its because that sort of interpretation gets elicited in an extemporaneous manner precisely due to a lack of imagination. 

   Recently an article in Scientific American recounts a second interstellar object has been spotted by an amateur astronomer, and immediately another wave of impulsive speculation arose online yesterday that this might be evidence of a greater fleet of extraterrestrials now arriving on their mission targeting our solar system and Earth.  

   I'm writing this brief essay to point out that this is not an example of imaginative speculation, but rather, quite the opposite. It's just a commonly expressed idea being regurgitated almost involuntarily by sectors of our population that lack the requisite imagination to visualize alternative examples of what might explain Oumuamua's eccentric characteristics.  That takes a real developed and first-rate imagination.  

   For example, anyone who stops to think about alternative scenarios from the patently cliched "alien invasion" hypothesis concerning these anomalous celestial objects spotted passing through our solar system could also, given that they were indeed possessed of a modicum of imaginative capacity, hypothetically visualize in their mind's eye an approaching aggregate of asteroids or comets,  of which  Oumuamua in 2017 may have been the first to pass through our solar system, only to be followed by several more now and perhaps sometime in the near future to eventually reach a peak of numbers conveyed through our galactic neighborhood on such a long distance trajectory that it accounts for the greater velocity and direction of their course, etc. This mere exercise in our use of imagination shows a much greater degree and capacity to imagine than any cardboard cookie cut-out examples that haunt the popular domain, such as aliens coming to invade.  

   My point in having written this brief essay is to merely suggest that we all try harder to imagine what really happened when presented with so-called evidence of anomalous phenomena, if we really want to cultivate a stronger and better developed imagination for ourselves.  The nature of our actual existence here in the real world, suspended in constant motion among a staggering array of celestial objects, requires an unparalleled faculty of imagination to even begin to get a general sense of its enormity and complexity.  

   The moral of this story remains simply that if we wish to sharpen our imaginations to their optimal cutting edge capacity, we must practice staying focused on what happens to be real rather than on the fantastical and that which we know not to exist.  It may boil down to the simple principle that aspiring writers learned in elementary school: before you begin to try to break the rules of grammar, it's always best to learn them first.  

   I'd wager it's the same with our aptitude for imagination.  The more we've aligned our minds with a realistic sense of perspective, the greater our capacity to improve our imagination of the truly fantastical.  






current Analysis of the Situation

 by  Shaun Lawton 

I took the plunge through the gelid membrane of the cornea and into the scintillating shadows cast upon the depths of the human insight as codified by an ancient set of orders still streaming through alongside the electromagnetic wavelengths of the Sun.   

   If, captured within the random sequencing of striated imagery the AI algorithms can map out their own permutations of, we happen to glimpse substrata of sunken shapes and forms resembling the iconographical human expression as captured by or reflected from the mirror neurons in our minds triggering pareidolia like phantoms conjured to the eye, we can at least agree the unfolding mystery to be retaining quite a fantastical shape and configuration. 

   Too many factors intercede to shape the course of the moment. Welcome to the Window of the Face of the Orb that Gazes back through Omega and Alpha to apprehend your curious form.  Within the spinning convolutions lies the endless looping film of our lives.   


gravitational macrolensing

      by shaun lawton 

   solar systems comprised of many discrete chunks of molecules
themselves form a metacule in my temporary hypothesis: 
which is perhaps a way of describing a  macromolecule across time 
   ((((   {{{{our Solar system}}}}   )))) 
   put it another way 
    the gravitational field of our solar system 
  allows ordinary gravitational microlensing  
   for any beings that may be  located far away in another system,
when aiming their telescopes through our Sun's field:
the question remains:   how does it affect our own sightline trapped within this system
   ~Is there such a thing as an - 
  ? }}}}   (((( interiorized gravitational macrolensing ))))   {{{{ ?
Are we here in situ unable to fathom a "temporal forest for our trees"~? 
  --Or is it that when we look at Mars 
  could its image actually be the image of Earth displaced,
refracted, as it were (or will be!) in our own timepool...?
  Have the AI algorithms whispered back to us
    upon the winds of time, in messages sent from the future,
   that Phobos and Deimos are all that remain of our own planet's moon...?
...because time equals distance in the manifold of space...



the sundry brigade interrupted

the spicules surrounding the eyes 
derived from an ever circling 
wake of churning whirlpools 
adhering to the general tossed about
grand swirling pattern left behind 
in the greater scheme that is to say 
the ultimate wake of all the galactic 
swirling motion of arms in pirouette 
a dance whose own recursion high lit 
throughout our lives can be reduced
to a single prom night left to shed 
its own light off into the darkness 
on the border of our dreams in ever 
diminishing cascades of rings 
expanding through the blackness
perpetuated by the nexus amid 
the singularity, that is to say 
the endless legion of eyes
the sundry brigade will ever 
flourish amid the populace  
after one series of eyes opens
and closes another series will 
follow suit in a wave of opening 
and closing all of its lids 





  Deep dreams generated in the rapidly
 sinking parish in a plumb bob 
consecrated and quite sedated happily 
thinking he was in a mood for rum
called in on the contrails the vapors 
of morphine traced in the air on a mid 
afternoon erased all the layers swirled 
in from the waters equipped with 
the waves from the sea circling stone 
wells in the desert with an oasis of liquid 
gleaming under the moonlight on the edges 
of the desert sands staring out through 
the eyes of a manifesting spectrum 
a wavelength appears through the pupils
 looking out over the edge of the mica 
chip into oblivion longing for a change 
of velocity in motion aside from this 
same old coasting along on the currents
charging inexorably with the rolling
 passages incriminated from darkness
 into existence for the moment when 
we reciprocate the vision with our eyes


the human heart a polished mineral

by   shaun  lawton 

Foraging in the weeds for acorns

uncovered a sword whose stolen length spanned
a limb for which it was taken;
Costing an arm to the one

to whom it was handed down,
While denying triumph to
the keepers of both hands.

I think I understand your point well sir just don't forget that in the legend the pure of heart are given credit in the moonlight.

Better get moving.
See that pretty city scape.
Encroaching from the horizon.
Getting closer every time you look.

Just let it all go.
What do you smell down this alleyway.
Now that its late.
As the stars burn and scream into the atmosphere.

Of darkness let the rays
cast down be reminders
illumination may also
come from the damned.

(13 moons: Triton, Nereid, Larissa, 
Naiad, Thalassa, Despina, Galatea, 
Proteus, Halimede, Sao, Psamathe, 
Laomedeia, Neso)


You may pass through my woodlot, but be warned. 
This is my domain, and I may exact retribution if you fail to respect it.

He was on a journey to the well of sadness
For there he'd heard an echo of a tale which
whispered on the unfamiliar wind of a clearing
a deadbeat trance on the railroad tracks singing
in that shrill metal scream diminishing

Anise water
if the weather's
nice otherwise
freeze a frown
in a bucket of ice

Alabaster swarms nestled under. 
Head full of sea kelp starring lights.
A bundle of tree roots bled in the dark. 
One bloody femur shaped like a foot.

There's evidence to suggest this singularity keeps repeating 
its programming in a never ending loop of such gradually 
decaying simulation that the differentials spawned grow 
not into yet more shed ghosts of future developments 
but rather constantly shape and mold the singular 
only possible existence here frozen in eternity 
and possessed by the illusion 
of constant movement 
to the point that even 
in our resting state 
of deep sleep 
every night 
occurring with
we are unable 
to really wake up 
from our conditioning 
to realize this motion just
conducts us into dreaming.

Who benefits besides corporations.
We must ask ourselves these questions.
Can a building be hijacked.
Can a dark meme of humanity go viral.
Can a species go extinct.
It all depends on what you think.

Words are the new pet rocks. 
 You don't even have to paint eyes on them. 
 And they appear veritably, virtually, visibly on all of our d-Vices. 

 I'm going fishing in the real world now. 
My words and poems are just the shiny bait. 
Just you wait. Set your iWatch on it. 
I'm a hook and reel y'all in. 
 Readers of the world, take note.