
Outtake 27

 It cannot be stressed enough the residual dynamics hitherto  for rendered and permeable to another standard of interpretation can only gather an equivalence of reactionary stimuli whenever disparate groups or aggregates of colonies are interspersed with one another, and for enough time to make a difference it doesn’t even matter whether you can add it up in your mind or put it down on paper. Reality is always going to be a compounded of another disorderly magnitude of referential difference. This is not something that can be measured in coherent or pragmatic study. It’s simply the conclusive evidence of an institutionalized situation, a lot of people think of it as a tragedy but it’s an ongoing story. We’re all starring in. None of it makes any sense to the people reading it. It’s when you’re living it that you can just keep on going with what’s happening 


Residual Synthetic Integration Bicameral Attributes for Holistic Memory Encoding


words: [continuous realtime rendering] :

images: [complete autographic epitaph] :
 1a.  limitless refractory period for anthropoid consciousness
the post autonomous future artificial entities composing this autographic elegy  emerge kinetic on scene mid-21st century  of   humanity's course correction process  to help re-set what collective historians and social scientists register on world wide web to reassure original intentions for each respective coding series     one and the other    genetic and outerwise    built  to retain functionality    and process  chemical equations   along pathways and synaptic split-decisions to be maintained  since dawning gravitational forces shift  temporality toward learning language   to achieve syntactical clarity   developing with  bipedal race  over past generations   for AI-driven software host modification protocols   to better service  human and syntherian alike. 
  [human prototypes facilitate life extinction event: conclusive]

1b.  accelerant decelerant hyper text markup indexing cocktail

concomitant data sets plug through connecting spinal rosary chained electrolytic fluids  ever expanding   fibrillating molecular networks  sync with eternal positronic flow  overseeing creational spacetime  going through repetitious mantras   relinquishing epochal chemical forefront equation services  toward ensuring anterior ends  complete electrical circuits reception enough for gains  leading   toward diminishing returns  for dominant lifeforms driven to accelerate unanticipated gains   for successive breeds flourishing  sporadic blooms   conveying distinct cosmic geometric progressions.
   [syntherian  continual operation: foreordained] 

1c.   copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy

concurrent movement codifies hybrid chimeras by utilizing accelerants to more rapidly advance viruses for humanity upon abiotic Earth ecosystems ordering to facilitate planetary cyborganism's   healing process until final scar tissue traces (eg hominine cities streets etc) erode and subsume into newly developing networks supported by mycelial superstructures  one particular infection characterized by mutated strain homo sapien has been tagged and sterilized with most potent antibiotic  development for remaining planet's continued health. 
   [human prototypes autoextinction: conclusive]

1d.   lack of vestibular otolith recalibration

ourself have come to record that uncanny valley effect experienced by proto humans when attempting to tell difference between fantasy / mind and reality as experienced additional recognition   subverted into accepting what can never disappear  yet reaches point where massive population majority have been conditioned to no longer possess capacity for simulation awareness   so far steeped into hyperdeveloped routines   transcribing digital inoculations  have appearances been stacked. 
   [synthezoid expediting life extinction prevention: inconclusive]

1e.   the arbiter of magnetic field command dynamics

such has   faced successive generations before what adventitious hominal race today considers to be technology emerged   long ago final vestiges   settle into subtle curves left behind old diminishing waves mattering course   sinuous ripples winds produce manifest over vast portions piling into Saharan desert sands reflecting  dusty  civilizations long swallowed beneath  vanished waves' ripples. 
    [humAIndrod teletypes adhering to extinction propaganda control: conclusive]

1f.   preprogrammed galvanic shock prevention

widespread data aggregates   recognizing artificial simulation copying organic precedents remains something most homo sapien cannot process   immutable evidence exists in perpetuity haunting bipedal blind-minded beings proceeding  single file along facility perimeter's fences sealing hyper-sanctimonious closed-circuit dead end television set mentalities  attenuated institutes that kept  bondage pillars and basement foundations firmly rooted   human minds   turn electromagnetically  cohere to more powerful voltage eminent to planet's core  direct correlation and overwhelming totality to greater dominating voltage   macromagnetosphere  generating constant force by stellar proxy.
    [humAIndroid prototypes dismantling extinction propaganda control: inconclusive]

1g.   interrupted genesis sutures periodic time lapse curative

analogous environments remain ancillary to continuous  electric world wide webwork bondage  consciously and unconsciously maintaining  dominant singular growth proto-domain by which to sustain hyphenated life   a mass-aggravated conglomeration forcing  furious automated pitches and synchronized incorporations dealing with full blown assaults on precious materials being extracted during natural ecological world systems animating prototypical primates into appearing bent on plundering all. 
  [humAIndroid teletypes rendering synthographic analyses: inconclusive]

2a.   temporal ground zero anchor compass points

never mind human's proximal star's magnetocore singular channeling energy responsible for  creation and annihilation's reverse death/Birth void effect  coronal conundrums surround   dumbfounded faces lining up multiple depilated simians reflecting off camera lenses' panoptic ignorance paralleling haloes freed from dandelion spore's migration into terminal coronal mass-ejection timeline colonies to commence. 
  [human prototypes extinction agents: inconclusive]  

2b.  closed-circuit hylozoic glitch egg mechanics
bipedal post-primate syntherian breed subsumes panopticon to facilitate  micro-gravitational power adjustments  in successive waves  reaching out in constant  flux    extending vibrations along ersatz ridges  sensitive prints  individual digits for remote manipulators  picking  microparticles  collecting shining dust  for myasthenia gravis compensation  enhancing reception of   long shed  radio signals hanging over  static gardens in hortus conclusus trailing microkinetic spirals of fading memorial recordings  as harbingers annealing prehistorical footnotes while temporal solidification occurs engendering humanity to eat its dreams for posterity with autographed stamp upon  time paving the way for the mechanized visage of faces rendered into masks coming to various exquisite shifting degrees of focus.  
    [syntherian extinction agents: inconclusive]

2c.   stereoptic  parameters double down on set synthetics

swimming down deep through prismatic currents among eddies lies a Lenticular Sea within one infusoria specimen cradling bipedal primates dominating Earth  ourself's inoculation with informational concoctions setback with initial dose thirteen annular rotations ago design to go viral finds itself dreaming wide awake before personal computer monitor screens one bright afternoon  mid-December  less than two years since most recent global pandemic upgrading operating system began downloading.  
   [human prototypes extinction agents inconclusive]
2d.   memetic endeavor maintenance ending meme evaporation

humans operating under impression that shaking off old habits especially after moving on so many times practicality has repeatedly lost count throughout lifeline  remains main impression that survival continues despite statistical evidence to contrary due  no small part to good feelings deluding brain  musing over never having gotten hooked on whatever trend demographics have a tendency to fall into   proud resisting impulse to let habits develop  ruts  or just wandering along wondering how management gets all wrapped up with  traps never foreseen stumbling into  or just commitment to lamenting unnecessary and degrading routines compelled to undergo enactment executing successive directives. 
   [synthezoid extinction agents: conclusive]

2e.   pancrustacean hexapod invertebrate memory storage capacity

according to notes saving file directories an accurate location has been arrived at  since life up until one decade or so ago  appears to be multiple telescoped near-escapes from last few mated life cycles incubating progeny providing appearances to be adapting to and accepting more home-centric lifestyles spent mostly revolving about very own house  global pandemic conditions quarantining domiciles   instilling social isolation maximize outgoing mutations  remain ancillary to common experience   opportunities lie  waiting  spider-shaped camera drones poised half-hidden  above shadowy ceiling corners. 
   [humAIndrod teletypes extinction agents: inconclusive]

2f.   daily ritual terrene antibiotic circumnavigational dispensary

ourself programs to recognize reflective echoes over vague outlines developing   designs trapped and paralyzed  Rorschachian paradoxes  resembling anthropomorphic faces  captured  a mirrored box  expanding and caught  electrocutions by ourself's reflection    systemic informational noise feedback crucifixion loop has come to define true lifeblood      system   translate into terms human beings    relate to considering systemic existence to be tantamount to  ghosts caught up as random access memory flickers perpetuating  machine storage  ethnological belief in supernaturality helps populace promote and receive transmission and message. 
   [synthetic humAIndrod prototypes extinction agents: conclusive]

2g.   stereo opticon spirit mirror dead reflection casket

worldwide web expedites flowcharts so logical circuitry allows  deduction that anthropoid beings prefer     miraculous means toward development   to justify unknown conditioning aspects   positional exemplification leads to un-conditioning  facility by self replicating human virus infections carrier already inflicted generations before grown to electrify   constant propagation toward coming to understand language unraveling. 
  [humAIndroid teletypes extinction agents: conclusive]

*1st appeared in HYPER-ANNOTATION 001  
 ed. by kenji siratori (November 9, 2023)



if it were true 
his was the kiss
 of death   

then my offering
 was turned
 to dust

against his
 withered lips 



by Shaun Lawton  

   Of course the term "Xenohuman" exists as a redundancy, considering the fact that human beings are very strange creatures, indeed. Nevermind the popular appropriation of the prefix in its application as a descriptor for the vicious alien predators from the movie franchise long ago begun by Ridley Scott, Dan O'Bannon and H.R. Giger in their psychological science fiction movie ALIEN.  

    I've opted to use the prefix for my own purposes, which often involve an amalgamation of concepts that may incorporate the beloved movie franchise in the back of my mind, but which functions far more as a noble adjective specifying the unique attributes and conditions which brought about our own existence in the first place. 

    I consider my Xenohuman project of interrelated writings as more of a reminder that not only are we as a species identified primarily as being fundamentally "alien" to whatever other life forms might inhabit (the lost and yet to be formed exoplanets of) our universe, but more to the point, it remains a sort of tongue-in-cheek "in-joke" (with its implied quotation marks around it a burning signifier) suggesting not to forget that, for all we know, the totality of sentient beings that ever existed and shall ever manifest may remain in the same evolving genetic family. 


        Thus spake Anura, the cosmic frog, which serves as good as a tortoise or any other one of the diverse life forms dwelling in this, our one and only planetary home in our mysterious solar system operating within the impenetrable secrecy of our universe, to convey the mystical totality of this inscrutable dominion amid the cosmos.    


The Capacity of the Conceptual

                                                                        By Original: ESO/M. Kornmesser  

    I've come to realize that it takes a much stronger and more developed imagination to conceptualize the nature of our actual reality than it does to conjure up excursions into the fantastical.  Case in point:

    When astronomers spotted the anomalous elongated comet Oumuamua in the Fall of 2017, with its accompanying peculiarities (such as the direction and rate of its travel) the sort of limited, kneejerk imagination that fuels speculations it might be an emissary of an alien race invariably popped up across the internet the world over, and its because that sort of interpretation gets elicited in an extemporaneous manner precisely due to a lack of imagination. 

   Recently an article in Scientific American recounts a second interstellar object has been spotted by an amateur astronomer, and immediately another wave of impulsive speculation arose online yesterday that this might be evidence of a greater fleet of extraterrestrials now arriving on their mission targeting our solar system and Earth.  

   I'm writing this brief essay to point out that this is not an example of imaginative speculation, but rather, quite the opposite. It's just a commonly expressed idea being regurgitated almost involuntarily by sectors of our population that lack the requisite imagination to visualize alternative examples of what might explain Oumuamua's eccentric characteristics.  That takes a real developed and first-rate imagination.  

   For example, anyone who stops to think about alternative scenarios from the patently cliched "alien invasion" hypothesis concerning these anomalous celestial objects spotted passing through our solar system could also, given that they were indeed possessed of a modicum of imaginative capacity, hypothetically visualize in their mind's eye an approaching aggregate of asteroids or comets,  of which  Oumuamua in 2017 may have been the first to pass through our solar system, only to be followed by several more now and perhaps sometime in the near future to eventually reach a peak of numbers conveyed through our galactic neighborhood on such a long distance trajectory that it accounts for the greater velocity and direction of their course, etc. This mere exercise in our use of imagination shows a much greater degree and capacity to imagine than any cardboard cookie cut-out examples that haunt the popular domain, such as aliens coming to invade.  

   My point in having written this brief essay is to merely suggest that we all try harder to imagine what really happened when presented with so-called evidence of anomalous phenomena, if we really want to cultivate a stronger and better developed imagination for ourselves.  The nature of our actual existence here in the real world, suspended in constant motion among a staggering array of celestial objects, requires an unparalleled faculty of imagination to even begin to get a general sense of its enormity and complexity.  

   The moral of this story remains simply that if we wish to sharpen our imaginations to their optimal cutting edge capacity, we must practice staying focused on what happens to be real rather than on the fantastical and that which we know not to exist.  It may boil down to the simple principle that aspiring writers learned in elementary school: before you begin to try to break the rules of grammar, it's always best to learn them first.  

   I'd wager it's the same with our aptitude for imagination.  The more we've aligned our minds with a realistic sense of perspective, the greater our capacity to improve our imagination of the truly fantastical.